Volunteer – Be the Difference You Want To Be!
Volunteers are a valued resource at Alternatives. We could not meet the needs of the 12,000 individuals we serve annually without your passion and dedication.
Please review the following volunteer opportunities to begin your journey of self-fulfillment and service to your community. Call or email us today at (800) 798-0988, (309) 277-0167, or alternatives@alternativesforyou.org.
At Alternatives volunteers:
- Make it possible for older adults to live independently
- Provide companionship for isolated older adults
- Advocate for the rights of older adults in nursing homes
- Provide program support by helping in our office
Volunteer Opportunities at Alternatives:
Money Management Volunteers
- Open and organize mail
- Set up budgets
- Balance Checkbooks
- Pay Bills
- Provide brief documentation of visits
(Some Money Management Volunteers go on to become Representative Payees. Representative Payees manage monthly benefits of a client who is unable.)
Volunteer Ombudsman
- Visit nursing home residents on a regular basis
- Listen to residents’ concerns and problems while having a friendly visit
- Report observations
- Support residents’ rights, privacy, and confidentiality
- Refer urgent concerns to the Community Ombudsman
Bridges Senior Center
- Help answer phones
- Help prepare for and lead fun activities
- Help plan fundraising events
Office Volunteers
- Call isolated older adults and caregivers
- Assist with mailings
- Update resources
- Assist programs by making folders and copies
- Collect participant feedback
For more information call or email us at (800)798-0988, (309) 277-0167, or alternatives@alternativesforyou.org.